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This page provides access to background material relevant to the topic of the Conference. It includes information on the sea-level rise challenge, organizations addressing climate change and sea-level rise, related conference, and also links to posts and statements made by others.
Sea Level Rise Challenge
Sea level rise scenarios: see here.
Rising Seas - How they are changing our coastline: Read the information on an article in National Geographic here ...
The Alaskan village set to disappear under water in a decade: Read the article documenting the increased coastal erosion that is caused by climate change and is threatening Kivalina (published in BBC News on July 29, 2013).
Climate extremes are unprecedented: Read the article commenting on the finding that “the Earth experienced unprecedented recorded climate extremes during the decade 2001-2010”, made public by the World Meteorological Organisation (published by BBC News on July 4, 2013).
Sea Level Variations and Land Water Storage: Some of the interannual sea level variations are related to changes in land water storage as a consequence of droughts and floods. A recent example is the impact of Australian flooding on global sea level; read more here ...
Sea Levels are is Rising, but how quickly? Read the article summarizing the new Ice2Sea study (published by BBC News May 14, 2013).
The Threat to Society and Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
Miami is doomed to drwon: see http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/why-the-city-of-miami-is-doomed-to-drown-20130620 ...
Coastal cities are at high risk: Read more here ...
Taking away coastal habitats is going to increase the risk and the damages: Read more here ...
Adaptation to Rising Tides (ART): ART is a collaborative planning effort to help San Francisco Bay Area communities adapt to rising sea levels.
The Case of the Netherlands: Increasing protection:: http://www.deltawerken.com/Deltaworks/23.html
Understanding the Threat from past events; the 1953 North Sea Flood: http://www.floodsite.net/juniorfloodsite/html/en/student/thingstoknow/hydrology/1953flood.html.
Climate Change
July 2013 is in the trend: July adds to the unbroken string of warm months; read more here ...
[1 August 2013]: Climate change on pace to occur 10 times faster than any change recorded in past 65 million years, Stanford scientists say: Read more ...
[24 July 2013]: Arctic methane 'time bomb' could have huge economic costs: Matt McGrath reports for BBC that scientists say that the release of large amounts of methane from thawing permafrost in the Arctic could have huge economic impacts for the world. Read the article ...
Organizations Addressing Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
BBC Comment on Release of IPCC Report.
Deltares: Deltares is an independent institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface and infrastructure. Deltares employs over 800 people and is based in Delft and Utrecht.
Connecting Delta Cities: CDC is part of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40). The goal of CDC “is to develop a network of delta cities that are active in the field of climate change related spatial development, water management, and adaptation, in order to exchange knowledge on climate adaptation and share best practices that can support cities in developing their adaptation strategies.”
CCAN: The Chesapeake Climate Action Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting global warming in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
Related Conferences
DELTAS IN TIMES OF CLIMATE CHANGE II: The conference “Deltas in Times of Climate Change II” will be held in Rotterdam the Netherlands, September 2014. This second international Delta conference in the Netherlands will bring together politicians, scientists, policy makers, practitioners, entrepreneurs with the goal to exchange knowledge on how deltas can adapt to climate change, to explore and strengthen the links between science, policy and practice, and to strengthen international cooperation between deltas and delta cities.
What Others Say
The American Geophysical Union has revised its Statement on Climate Change to emphasize more the urgency. See the announcement. The revised position statement is available here.
The Center for Climate & Security: The Center maintains a page that lists a number of posts taged "sea level rise", which report and discuss statements from military leaders, NOAA and other organizations. Of particular interest is the post on the sea-level rise threat to Virginia and North Carolina, which was identified by military leaders.
Michael Oppenheimer and James Trenberth in Washington Post, see 2013/06/07 Opinion ...
An example of a recent local editorial and the ensuing comments from readers: Virginian Pilot Editorial of 2013/08/05 ...