Transatlantic Solutions to Sea Level Rise Adaptation:
Moving Beyond the Threat

October 30-31, 2013; Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

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The ACCESS-EU Conference aimed to bring together a wide range of stakeholders in the sea level rise discussion. More than 100 participants including academic experts from the EU and U.S., representatives of regional cities, and international companies took part. The conference was specifically for those seeking new collaborations for future research either regionally, nationally or internationally. The conference agenda and venue was designed to maximize networking and meeting new collaborators. Posters were welcome.

The facilities available to the conference limited the number of participants to about 100. Therefore, early registration was recommended.


Detailed information on accommodation is available here.


The facilities for the conference limit the number of participants to about 100. Therefore, registration had to be closed about a week before the conference because the number of registered participants reached the maximum.

Deadline for registration was October 25, 2013 .

There was no registration fee. However, the organizers reserved the right to reject applicants if the capacity of the facilities is exceeded.

Abstract Submission

Participants were invited to present posters. Deadline for abstract submission was October 15, 2013 . Participants who wanted to present a poster were asked to submit an abstract to Elizabeth Smith (exsmith at The abstract could be submitted as a word document or as text in the e-mail. Abstracts could include figures and tables and were limited to 500 words. The preferred format was:


Author Name(s)

Author Affiliations

Abstract body