IDS 369/CL 668:
Internship in Conservation Leadership

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Courses: IDS 369 (CRN 33763)/CL 668 (CRN 35251); class 3 credits
Course title: Internship in Conservation Leadership
Instructors: Dr. Hans-Peter Plag,
Office Hours: On request.
Term: Summer 2022, May - August
Time: Variable (appointment based)
Location: Variable

The workspace provides all class internal functions including submission of assignments, conversations and exchange of internal information.

If you are newly registered for this workspace, you first need to request a password, which will be sent to your email. In the workspace, you will be able to change this temporary password.

You can request the password using the sequence:

[Access to Workspace]->[Log in]->[Request Password] -> type in your email address -> [Submit Query].

The temporary password will be sent to your email address and you can change it once you login and access the workspace. Note that this password is not linked to your ODU MIDAS account. It would be great if you start looking at the Web workspace to get used to this collaborative environment. Once you have the password, please do log in and check out the workspace:

[Access to Workspace]->[Log in]->type in email address and password->[Sign in]->[Workspace].