Sea Level Rise/Flooding Adaptation Forum |
Forum Program
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
0830 - 0900: | Registration and coffee |
0900 - 0915 | Opening Remarks and Introductions — Larry Atkinson, Old Dominion University Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Initiative (CCSLRI) (presentation) |
0915 - 0930 | Ice-Breaker/Networking Activity — Jenifer Alonzo, Old Dominion University Department of Communication and Theater Arts and CCSLRI |
0930 - 0945 | RE.Invest Norfolk Update ( — Denise Thompson, Manager of Environmental Protection Programs, City of Norfolk (presentation) |
0945 - 1030 | Earning Trust and Explaining Complexities As You Communicate Climate Science — Katherine Rowan, PhD, Director, Science Communication Graduate Program, George Mason University (presentation) |
1030 - 1100: | Q&A with Speakers and Coffee Break |
1100 - 1145 | Risky Business: Engaging the Public in Policy Discourse on Sea-Level Rise and Inundation — Karen Akerlof, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University (presentation) |
1145 - 1245: | Lunch and Keynote Speaker: Margaret Davidson, JD, Acting Director, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, NOAA (presentation) |
1245 - 0100 | Communicating Adaptation: Notes from the Field — Shereen Hughes, Wetlands Watch (presentation) |
0100 - 0130 | Updates on Regional HRPDC and TPO Reports and Plans and HRPDC CZM/Virginia Beach Project — Ben Mcfarlane, Regional Planner, HRPDC (presentation) |
0130 - 0230 | Julia Hillegass — Public Information & Community Affairs Administrator, HRPDC, Gayle Hicks — City of Hampton Public Works, Hampton Engages ( Clay Bernick — Administrator of the City of Virginia Beach Environment and Sustainability Office Panelists are asked to address the following briefly (as appropriate) to kick-start a group discussion:
0230: | End Of Program |