Sixth Meeting of the Hampton Roads
Sea Level Rise/Flooding Adaptation Forum

Online Tools and Resources for Flooding and Sea Level Rise Planning

September 19, 2014

Workshops | Overview

The 6th Meeting of the Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise/Flooding Adaptation Forum took place on September 19, 2014 at the Virginia Modeling and Simulation Center, 1030 University Blvd., Suffolk, VA 23435. See the article in the MARI Newsletter

The Forum is a continuing series of meetings bringing together stakeholders in the Hampton Roads region to discuss solutions and best practices for adapting to sea level rise and increased flooding. This project is a collaboration among Virginia Sea Grant, Old Dominion University and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission.

This time, the Forum had the theme "Comparing Flooding and Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment Tools." It was attended by over 70 people from government, business and academia. Participants were able to compare impact analysis tools that varied from a national focus on awareness to site specific building preparedness. A Mapping Tool handout was distributed.

Adam Parris, NOAA, discussed the 2013 U.S. National Climate Assessment.

Over 70 participants from government, business and academia attended the Forum.

Friday, September 19, 2014

0830 - 0900:Registration and Networking w/Coffee
0900 - 0915:Opening Remarks and Introductions — Larry Atkinson, Old Dominion University Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Initiative (CCSLRI), Michelle Covi, Old Dominion University and Virginia Sea Grant, and Ben McFarlane, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
0915 - 1015:2013 U.S. National Climate Assessment — Adam Parris, NOAA (presentation)
1015 - 1045:Discussion
1045 - 1100:Coffee Break and Info on Dutch Dialogs (presentation)
1100 - 1130:Climate Central Surging Seas Version 2.0 — Ben Strauss, Climate Central (users guide)
1130 - 1200:The Nature Conservancy’s Coastal Resiliency Tool — Gwynn Crichton, The Nature Conservancy
1200 - 1300:Lunch
1300 - 1330:Sea Level Rise Risk and Vulnerability Tool — Molly Mitchell, VIMS Center for Coastal Resources Management (presentation)
1330 - 1400:NASA Sea Level Rise Viewer — Brad Ball, NASA Langley
1400 - 1430:Discussion and Updates

For more information please contact Michelle Covi, mcovi at