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Coastal Resilience and Sustainability Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Spring 2015 Seminar Series

March 20, 2015: Federal Policy and Sea Level Rise. Dr. Kate White, P.E., Senior Lead for Global Climate Change, Institute of Water Resources, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. 1:00 — 2:00 PM, ECSB Room 1202.

The third scheduled seminar in the Spring 2015 Coastal Resilience and Sustainability seminar series is being held on March 20, 2015 at 1 PM. The seminar speaker is Dr. Kate White with the US Army Corps of Engineers. She will focus on USACE and federal efforts dealing with sea level rise including adaptation planning. Additional information is below. Due to unanticipated travel issues, she will not be on campus, but will remotely connect to the seminar room. She will be able to address questions from those in attendance.

Biography: Kate White is a Civil Engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Institute for Water Resources. She holds a BS and MS in Civil Engineering and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and is a registered Professional Engineer. With over 27 years of experience, she is the lead for the USACE Climate Preparedness and Resilience Community of Practice (CoP). She is responsible for developing and implementing an integrated, comprehensive and systems based approach incorporating new and changing information to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience in USACE built and natural infrastructure. She was selected as a 2013 GreenGov Climate Champion for her part in the interagency Sea Level Rise Tool for Sandy Recovery, the 2014 USACE Engineer of the Year, and was one of the NSPE top ten finalists for the Federal Engineer of the Year Award in 2015.