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Course: OEAS 795/895 Advanced/Special Topics (one credit);
CRNs: 20055 (795) and 21528
Course title: Contemporary Scientific Reading: CCPO/MARI Seminar;
Instructors: Dr. Eileen Hofmann, Dr. Hans-Peter Plag;
Term: Fall 2015.
Day and Time: Mondays, 2:00-2:50 PM.
Location: CCPO Seminar Room.
During the academic year, MARI & CCPO invite distinguished scientists to present seminars, which take place in the Conference Center, Innovation Research Park Building II, 4211 Monarch Way, Old Dominion University on Mondays at 3:30 p.m. A reception is held prior to the seminar at 3:00 p.m. The CCPO/MARI Joint Seminar on topics related to mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change impacts provides an opportunity for students to listen to presentations given by selected leading researchers in their fields. The students also are encouraged to participate in the question-and-answer session after the presentations.
Course Contents and Goals
The reading course will prepare the students for the individual presentations and give them an opportunity to discuss the presentations that take place during the following seminar week.
The goal is to enable students to follow, analyze, understand and participate in the scientific dialog, of which presentations to groups of people are an important part. Titles and abstracts are posted at least one week prior to each seminar. They are available through the seminar weekly schedule page.
The goal is to have the next speaker in the seminar participate in the class and interact with the students. For each class, a student will be the discussion leader and prepare the class. The class will be open for other CCPO and OEAS grad students on a case-by-case basis, and in special cases, a guest student can also lead the discussion.
Each student is required to lead at least three of the discussions. The discussion leaders will prepare a brief written summary of the discussion and the speaker's presentation and submit this in the week of the presentation.